
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Wednesday. 7pm. I’m waiting by the street for a drink I ordered
from the small business at the house next door. As usual, a group of street
kids comes up begging for money. In my broken Spanish I explain to them why I
won’t give them money. I learn their names and start playing a little game with
them making them laugh by talking in strange high pitched voices. We’re
friends. No more than a minute later an older boy, maybe 14 years old, comes by
and clearly displays his ownership of the kids. He hits them, shoves them
around and demands his money for the day and then walks on by. I sit there. I
do nothing but stare. I cower.

Thursday. 11:30 am. I’m in La Jungle, the busiest drug
trafficking spot in Granada, sitting in front of a crack house. I talk with the
people I’ve been building relationships with for the past month. The pastor
gives a message and we hand out crackers and drinks. We are about to leave when
a man walks up, early 20’s, maybe 110lbs. He grabs one of the girls who I
assume is a prostitute, throws her out in the street and starts yelling at her.
He picks her up and grabs her by the neck and walks her down the street yelling
in her face and nearly cripples her to the ground. I hold a package of crackers
in my hand and let it pass. I cower.

October. A.D. 29. Jesus is teaching in the temple early in
the morning when “the scribes and Pharisees bring to Him a woman caught in
adultery. And as they set her in the midst they say to Him, “Teacher, this
woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the Law, commanded
us that such should be stoned. But what do you say?” As though he does not
hear, Jesus stoops down and writes on the ground with His finger. So when they
continue asking Him, He raises himself up and says to them, “He who is without
sin among you let him throw the first stone at her.” Again he stoops down and
writes on the ground. Then those who hear it being convicted by their
conscience go out one by one beginning with the oldest down to the last one.
And Jesus is left alone with the woman standing in the midst.” A Savior.

“Father, I’m tired of cowering. Change me.”
I am a coward no more.

11 responses to “A Coward No More”

  1. I love your passion and relentlessness in growth. You’re unsatisfied with the status quo and that will take you far. “The world belongs to the discontent.”

  2. You are not a coward! You are a very courageous person, look where you are and look where I am. You have more strength than the strongest man I have ever seen. When a person is introduced to a new circumstance, it naturally takes him/her a little while to process it and react accordingly. God will guide you with what He wants you to do. Don’t get so down on yourself, you will know when the time comes what to do. You see, hear, and sense the anguish of hurt in the world, Trevor, listen for God’s words for your purpose, don’t tune into your human self to take care of business. The world needs you here and you could have gotten hurt by stepping in, if God wants you to do that, He will put it into you to step in and He will protect you, but don’t do it without God giving you the power. Praying for your safety and wellbeing, can’t wait to see you back in Tejas! Love ya! The Rovello’s

  3. i cant imagine what it felt like to sit and watch those things happen…..i pray that the Lord gives you courage but also that he gives you discernment so that you may know when and how to act. i pray that he burdens your heart for the ppl of nicaragua and that you hear the cries of the lost souls. i love you brother, you have an admirable heart. keep pressing forward and pressing into Gods presence. Let me know if there is anything specific i can be praying for, Id love to pray for those things for you.Love you! Alyssa

  4. Wow! This is very touching. Knowing your compassion for the people I can understand why you would want to help but as Christina said you have got to wait for God’s timing. EVERYTHING comes in God’s timing. Continued prayers for you and team.

    Love, mom

  5. Trevor, this experience will bring you closer to God. “Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord!” as the song goes! You are so brave to admit your concerns and fears. You are not to do this alone. You will face many situations in your life and I totally honor what you are doing in this mission! Pray that God gives you the utmost discernment over these situations. Pray that God surrounds you with brothers and sisters in Christ there to help you in making your decisions. As your Mom and Christina said – God’s timing is what’s important here. You must pray over each situation, each day you face and go as God guides you! Fear not for the Lord Your God goes with you (Deut. 20:4, 31:6) Do not give up, but persevere – God is working with you and in you! Love you and miss you!

  6. The Serenity Prayer
    (full text)

    GOD, grant me the serenity
    to accept the things
    I cannot change,
    Courage to change the
    things I can, and the
    wisdom to know the difference.

    Living ONE DAY AT A TIME;
    Enjoying one moment at a time;
    Accepting hardship as the
    pathway to peace.

    Taking, as He did, this
    sinful world as it is,
    not as I would have it.
    Trusting that He will make
    all things right if I
    surrender to His Will;

    That I may be reasonably happy
    in this life, and supremely
    happy with Him forever in
    the next. Amen

    Reinhold Neibuhr-1926


    I truly appreciate and applaud your zest for the Lord and your desire to “make things right”, but please remember that just because you did not thrust yourself into situation(s) that you are not intimately familiar, DOES NOT make you a coward!! Put your feelings aside and allow the Lord to fill you with His purpose and His timing. Allow Him to provide the tools you need to have an impact on your friends’ lives. Rushing in unprepared and uninformed can very likely cause more harm than good. BE PATIENT FOR THE LORD!

    Trevor know that you and your team are being prayed for, and we ask that God will continue to meet your needs and provide opportunities for you to be His hands and love in this world. May God continue to pour out His richest blessings upon each and everyone of you.

    In His Love,


  7. Trevor,

    Brother, your passion for Jesus is flowing! You are feeling the heart of God. There are very few things that piss God off more than when disadvantaged people are taken advantage of. God wants us as His children to stand up for the oppressed and say no to the oppressors. Who will rise up for God against the wicked?

    My word for you Trevor is “abiding.” Abide with Christ in everything that you do. As you abide with Him, the Holy Spirit will guide you and teach you the things of God.

    I’m like you brother. When someone is being taken advantage of, it pisses the heck out of me, and I’m not afraid to confront the oppressor. Jesus was no push-over, but a loving Savior who stood up for His people.

  8. Trevor,
    I am praying for you and your team. What you are doing is not easy, but I know the Lord is using your team for His glory. Keep seeking Him with all your heart.

  9. Good word Trevor! Can you even believe this is your life? I mean, who gets to write stuff like this?! LOL Can’t wait to hear more in February.

  10. Only God’s timing is perfect! Our thoughts and prayers remain with you always!

    Grace and peace,

  11. Trevor,

    Wow, your latest post has solicited a bunch of responses. I doubt that was your intent but so many people care about you and are praying for you. They have given you some pretty good advice.

    Your passion and transparency is incredible and rarely found in this world. You certainly are not stiff-necked, nor hard-hearted. You are truly a man after God’s heart obediently following His direction.

    No man wants to be thought a coward or feel like one inside, but if the Lord had wanted you to respond to those situations He would have told you and you would have heard and responded. This obviously was not the battle He wanted you to fight. He is preparing you for a battle to come and is using the children, the prostitute and more to make you ready. Your connection with the boys was more important than defending them against the thug. You will have more opportunities, maybe more than you want, to demonstrate your bravery but only when combined with the wisdom that God has and will give you. I am reminded of how David was trained by God as he watched over the sheep and when the time came thus defended His people. Your Goliath will come, you will be ready and you will act.

    He hears your cry. He will answer your prayers. His plan will be revealed. His will be done.

    Listen. Learn. Be patient. Act when called. A coward no more.

    I am so proud of you,
