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This season of my life has been focused on planning for a
tea house I am opening up soon. When I first got going on this project I didn’t
know what all would be involved, I just knew that God had given me a passion
for the people of Atlanta and a dream for putting that passion into action.
Little did I know, this thing that I have such a passion for (pouring into
people) would require me to first do some things I despise.

Right now I am in my least favorite part of the process, the
planning stage. If you would have asked me a few months ago to write out a
business plan I probably would have given you a paragraph. I am not at all
detail oriented but more of a big picture kind of guy and writing out this
several page plan has been torture for the past week or so… and there is still
a good bit more planning I have to do. 

Not only is this stage very tedious, but it is also quite
frustrating due to the lack of fruit I am able to see. I don’t see people
coming to know Christ, I don’t see lives transforming, I don’t see injustice
being fought and to be honest I am having a hard time with it. My personality
type is one that thrives on being productive and seeing fruit and it wears on
me when I don’t see that.

On top of that, my support account (from which I get my
paycheck. You can donate by clicking on the “Support Me” link on the left) just
hit the negative numbers. Then there is Gainesville, the town I’m living in
now. I like to call it “Gaines-vegas, the city that ALWAYS sleeps.” It takes 30
minutes to get anywhere thanks to the overwhelming number of people over 95
behind the wheel. Every time I ride my bike to my friend’s house or the grocery
store I fear for my life due to the lack of people willing to share the road
with me. I’m living in an almost empty house with the exception of  my roommate who just moved in. There is
no A/C or heat or shower and the basement scares the dickens out of me.

But its times like these that I have to keep going. I have
to trust that the Father has plans for multiplying my efforts. I know that when
this is all done that he will be able to do so much more through me and I will
have so much grater influence on the people of Atlanta. He continually reminds
me of the people he has broken my heart for who have lived their entire lives
in way harder situations than I am in. He is showing me that even though I am
not on the front lines right now I am still bringing his kingdom. As Jon Forman
sings, “For these seeds to give birth to life, first they must die.”

7 responses to “Dying Seeds”

  1. The seed has to die before it produces fruit.
    I pray that this will be a reality in your ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ-your provider, strength, future, and hope.

  2. Good blog. Good song. Good grief I miss you.

    Hang in there, buddy. You know this is taking you somewhere. I believe it with all my heart. God is cultivating a work in you that you couldn’t see right now even if you wanted to. One day, when your tea shop is flooded with the most random people you can imagine, and everyone one of them walk out the doors feeling full of rooibos and the love of Christ, I’ll have the joy of reminding you just how thankful I am for the beginning stages of this, for all the hard work and business planning you put into this.

    God is pleased with this. Pleased with you, my friend.

    I love you, and please stay away from sketchy basements.

  3. Trevor, you are always welcome at my home in Birmingham if you want to escape or need help with your writing. Perhaps you just need quiet to hear?….Praying with you, Frank

  4. Great things are to come Trevor!!! We are here to support you in anyway possible. I am looking forward to seeing this dream become a reality. Who is your roommate? And yeah stay away from the basement!!! LOL!!! Missing you…can’t wait to see you in June!!! Our continued prayers and love.

    Love mom

  5. Trevor, one of the hardest thing to do is to “wait on the Lord.” He is in control and at “HIS” timing which is never late, never early, always on time, He will pour out His blessing. “Wait, with expectancy.” I will be in prayer for you and everyone He places in your path. May I encourage all of us to ask GOD how he wants to use us in your ministry. Looking forward to meeting you in June. May God strenghthen you….

  6. Saw your story featured in Seth Jr’s email – wanted to see what you were up to – so very cool! Excited for future fruit! I’d send you some bananas while you wait, but they prob wouldn’t be too good by the time they reached you. I also apologize on behalf of the reckless drivers of g-ville, I believe I have added to the madness on more than one occasion…