
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The past two months I spent in
Mexico were probably the most amazing two months of my life. God taught me more
than I would have thought possible especially about the teachings of Jesus and
how he taught us how to live. One of the things that stuck with me the most is living
communally which is found throughout the life of Jesus and within the first few
chapters of Acts. This passage from Acts 2:44-47 does a great job at summing up
what the early church looked like.

All the believers were together and had everything
in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had
need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They
broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,
praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to
their number daily those who were being saved.

They lived together, they sold
everything and gave to the poor, they shared everything, they made disciples.
The more I learned about this the more I began to examine my life and the
church of today. Sadly, the church of the 21st century looks almost
nothing like the early church and God has said that he wants me to do something
about it. He has given me visions daily on how to do this and each day I get
more and more excited about it.

Right now I am in the beginning
stages of helping out with the building of a worldwide community that has a
goal of being like the church of the first few centuries. A few committed
people and I have decided to sell just about everything we own and start a new
life of making disciples and living communally. We are planning on starting out
in Atlanta and growing to the rest of the world. Each community will have
people of all ages and everyone will live together. Some will have jobs, some
will live on support but all will share everything and all will be committed to
introducing people to the Savior. Once one community grows large enough, we
will split up and start another one where ever in the world God leads us.

Each community will have one
major ministry and many smaller ones. For example, a friend of mine wants to
eventually start a community in India where his major ministry would be to
rescue sex slaves and get them back up on their feet. They would have rescue
teams, rehab centers, counseling, job training, discipleship and anything else
necessary for getting the former slaves on their way to a “normal” life. But
the community will not limit itself to that ministry. They will have feeding
programs for the poor, care for the orphans and whatever opportunities God
places in front of them. As a strong, unified community, they would work
together in making disciples out of everyone they meet. 

The plan so far looks about like
this. I return home on May 15 and I will be there for about a month or so. From
there I will move to Atlanta with the few who are already committed and whoever
else wants to join this movement. I will start by moving in with my friend
Myles and begin planting this community and a church. Starting in the fall I
will most likely commit about two years to leading trips with AIM in order to
learn more about starting community and to serve the participants on the trips.
During the time that I am not on trips or back home with my family I will live
in the community and continue building it. Eventually there will be communities
all around the world connected to each other serving God.

I am not exactly sure of my part
in all this but God gave me a vision of what my role will be after the two
years of leading trips with AIM. Picture a body with AIM being the heart and
the community in Atlanta being the lungs and all the other communities around
the world being the different body parts. In this body I would be like the
veins and arteries keeping AIM and all the individual communities connected as
well as getting new communities planted around the world. My dream is to have
AIM send missionaries to the communities to live there and do ministry along
with the people who live in the communities. I would be the person getting
those trips organized and maybe even leading them. Once again, I’m not
completely sure if this will be my exact role in all this but I’m sure it will
be pretty close to this.

So this is my invitation to you
to pray about this. Pray for the community, pray for visions and pray for
perseverance. But more than any of those things I want you to pray about your
part in all this. Ask God if he wants you to live in this community. And when
he speaks to you, do what he says. If you have any questions please ask them. I
honestly cannot wait to answer them.

6 responses to “My Dream”

  1. Trevor,
    The vision for this community is so exciting! I pray that God would make it what He wants it to be!

  2. Wow Trevor I have heard of the Lords plans for you and now have read it…and I am so amazed and excited for you and all who are involved!!! Prayers for you and even myself and our family…The Lord will guide us all in everything that we are meant to do.

    Prayers also for you and the team…hope you are all feeling well soon.

    Love, mom

  3. It makes me just as excited to read about it as it did to talk about it at the gateway.
    i miss you and dreaming about it right alongside of you.
    but know that i am praying for you and for this!

  4. Trevor, Believe in you vision, hold on to it God will lead you. He has already gone before you and prepared the way. I do believe the future will need the community you have described for survival when we get closer to Jesus return. It doesn’t surprise me that God is already preparing the way for the church we know and read about in Rev. be strong and focused and I will continue to pray for you. I am thrilled God has you as a forerunner for his plan.

    Peace and Joy,
    Vickie Diers

  5. Wow! I’m so excited with your visions Trevor.I will definitely be praying for it.I know you will be use by God extraordinarily for His kingdom. You have already done it with us here in the Philippines, you can do it anywhere in the world. Remember the youth in Basak that you have started?

    We want to become a part of that vision. We will be praying for you always.God bless you and the rest of your team.

    Ruben& Sharon