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Thoughts & Inspiration

Thank You Jesus

It’s been a rough couple of weeks. It seemed like one after another things were just getting me down and screaming, “You have done nothing here! Everything you think you have accomplished in the past six months doesn’t exist! You…

Seek Him

      … for it is time to seek the LORD,        until he comes        and showers righteousness on you.      If I had to choose just one verse from the bible to preach on every time this would be it. Too…

My Dream

The past two months I spent in Mexico were probably the most amazing two months of my life. God taught me more than I would have thought possible especially about the teachings of Jesus and how he taught us how…

Hello Granada!

I’m finally here! We arrived at El Puente, the AIM base in Granada, on Monday around midnight. These past couple of days we have been just checking out the different ministries around town and getting acquainted with the city and…